Monday, July 4, 2016

Tuesday 5th July

Dear Children,

Trust that you've had a restful weekend. Here are some reminders for you:

1) You have received the P5 camp letters. Please show your parents and submit the registration form and Edusave form/payment by Thursday. Do let me know if you have any change of address that has not been updated as this might affect the amount you need to pay for the camp.

2) I&E matters

- Please confirm the game and exhibition details by Thursday so that the class know what your group's project is about. You also need to tell me number of tables/chairs you need.
- I will prepare the duty list by Thursday.
- For attire, please wear any school T-Shirt (house/PE/class).
- Bring all your materials by THURSDAY. I can help to keep for you in the staffroom.

Wishing all Muslim pupils Selamat Hari Raya!

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