Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday 21st March

Dear Boys and Girls,

Welcome to Term 2! This term is going to be pretty hectic and you will be sitting for your first P5 exam. Not to worry; we will all get through it together. Keep calm and do your best!

1) There will be a Science Mock Test tomorrow.

2) Please show your parents the instruction sheet for the Science Learning Journey. Ask them to sign and bring it back tomorrow.

3) Science Green File
These pupils are reminded to bring the Science Green File tomorrow:

James, Bing Kang, Ashley Ling, William, Claire, Darius, Julian, Grace, Dylan, Tyler, Elijah

4) Math Blue Files
These pupils are reminded to bring the Math Blue Files with all Parent's Signatures tomorrow:

Luke, Bing Kang, Qi Hang, Ernest Ng, William, Micole, Shiyin, Ethan, Ashley Ling, Jeremy, Ryan, Dylan, Tyler, Michael

5) SS Learning Journey consent form

These pupils are reminded to bring the SS LJ consent form tomorrow:

Joyce, Joel, Jing Wen, Dayan, Luke, William, Ashley Ling, Ethan, Julian, Ernest Ng, Ashley Wirjawan, Joseph, Jeremy

6) Math Extra Remedial Consent Form

These pupils are reminded to bring the Math Extra Remedial Consent Form tomorrow:

Dylan, Dayan, Jing Wen, Ernest Ng

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