Sunday, January 3, 2016

Monday 4th January

Dear Boys & Girls,

You have survived Day 1! Hope that you have made new friends and had a wonderful time catching up with them.

Here are some reminders for today:

1) There will be a temperature taking exercise on 6th & 7th January 2016. Please bring your thermometer from tomorrow onwards.

2) Show the intro letter from me to your parents. Ask them to jot down some notes on the "Kid's Notes" page and hand in to me by Friday, 8th January 2016.

3) Show the timetable to your parents and ask them to sign and acknowledge.

4) Bring colouring materials tomorrow. (only markers and colour pencils, no paint.)

5) Tear out 5A Math WB chapters and hand them in by Wednesday, 6th January 2016. Make sure you write your name on every topic.

Books that have been collected:

  • Science Cycles, Systems, Energy WB
  • EL Synthesis & Transformation.
  • FTGP Journal.
  • Social Studies 5A WB & TB.
  • HE booklet
  • EL Preston Book.
Please bring the books above if you have not handed them in. 
I will also collect 3 Math Blue files and 1 Science Green file this week. You may bring them from tomorrow onwards.

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